Friday, December 6, 2013

Microfinance Test

          Today in class, we took a test on Microfinance. I think I did pretty well on it. Kappel and I did some last minute studying, so that's probably why. I also used the bathroom after the test. That was pretty cool....I guess.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Microfinance Test Review

          Today in class, we went over notes for our Microfinance test Friday. There weren't many notes on the final power point, but we still got some review in there. We also talked about the academic team and the kind of questions they were asked.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Microfinance Test Questions

          Today in class, we made up questions for our Microfinance Test. Here's what Kappel and I came up with.

1.) Question: What do loans do for small businesses?
      Answer: They give these people small amounts of money to get a kick start on their idea or     business.

2.) Question: What is microfinance?
      Answer: A form of financial aid for small businesses that don't have accesses to banking services.

3.) Question: What solutions do microfinance solve?
      Answer: The destruction of small businesses due to large businesses taking over.

4.) Question: What is a micro lender?
      Answer: An organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders.

5.) Question: How can we improve microfinance?
      Answer: People can get a loan from other people who have money. Once the people who are borrowing can escape poverty, they can pay the donors back.

6.) Question: What is Kiva?
      Answer: An online website for giving microloans to people who ask for it.

7.) Question: What is a microloan?
      Answer: Loans to people who ask for money to start their business.

8.) Question: What kind of problems occur in countries that need microfinance?
      Answer: Malaria, drought, and clean water.

9.) Question: What is malaria?
      Answer: A fatal disease spread by female mosquitos.

10.) Question: How can you cure yourself of malaria?
      Answer: Doctors are trying to come up with vaccines for the disease and the International Peace Corps are trying to stop it as well.


          Today in class, we talked about Microfinance. Microfinance can be a great way to help people get a kick start on a new and great idea. People with these ideas will receive a microloan. I microloan is a loan made  to someone to help them by what they need to being their new product,, idea etc. They eventually have to pay that money back because it is a loan. We also talked more about how big businesses are killing small, family run businesses.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Sub. and Peace Corps Project

          Today in class, Mr. Shick was absent and we had a substitute. We just worked on our Peace Corps project. Overall, it was pretty boring class with out Mr. Shick. The peace and quiet was nice, but still. We'll, we can't really talk about much so um....yeah. There you go.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Big Store Chains

          Today in class, we talked about big companies taking costumers away from little, family own, stores. It's a good and a bad thing. Big companies like Wal-Mart make things cheaper for people, but they get their products by people in China who work in bad conditions. It really is just survival of the fittest out there. There are still family owned businesses that are doing just fine against big companies. It's all about who can produce the best product and provide the best service.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Angry Shick

          Today in class, we reviewed our World Leaders test. Mr. Shick turned into an ogre grading our tests and almost hurt us. As we went over it, you could see the anger building up in Mr. Shick. My life was in danger. As we got to the final question, I challenged him on one. Her charged at me with blood thirsty eyes. I drew my pencil and struck the mighty Shick. Everyone praised me for saving them from the wrath of Mr. Shick. Long live the house of Miller!

          And that's how you type a creative blog when you're bored during an off mod kids. Have a good one.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Peace Corps Challenge

          Today in class, we started our first Human Geo project. It was an activity called "Peace Corps Challenge." In this activity, you must explore the village you were assigned to go to and find the person who needs the microloan the most. A microloan helps people who are in need of money start a business. In order to find who needs the loan the most, you have to talk to everyone. The microloan should be given to the person who's idea will help he village in the long run. Not just at that moment.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Updaing "World Leaders" Blog

          Today in class, I updated my "World Leaders" blog from last week.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Leadership Skills of the World Leaders

          In my last blog, I listed nations with their type of government and their leaders. Here are a few reasons why these people got their positions as world leaders. From their own personal experiences, or people/events that influenced them.

President Enrique Pena Nieto (Mexico):
1.Was the Governor of Mexico from 2005-2011
2.Started out as a community organizer

Chancellor Angela Merkel (Germany):
1.Trained as a Physicists
2. Worked for the Parliament
*I also want to note that she was the main part in solving the Euro Crisis. That's pretty cool*

President Nicolas Maduro (Venezuela):
1.Was Vice President of Venezuela
2.Was a speaker of the National Assembly

Premier LI Keqiang (China):
1.Was a member of the Standing Committee
2.Was a secretary of Party Branch

Prime Minister David Cameron (United Kingdom):
1.Born into a wealthy family
2.Was a special Advisor to the Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont

King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud (Saudi Arabia):
1.Was a Commander in the National Guard
2.Was the Prince of Saudi Arabia

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (India)
1.Was a member of India's Upper House of Parliament
2.Was Chief Economic Advisor

Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (France):
1.Mayor of Nantes
2.Mayor of Saint-Herblain

President Hasan Fereidun Ruhani (Iran):
1.Was a member of the Supreme National Security Council
2.Was a deputy speaker

President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai (Afghanistan):
1.He fought the Soviet Union occupation of his homeland
2.Was the Deputy Foreign Minister

President Dilma Rousseff (Brazil):
1.Was captured by Guerillas
2.Tortured by punches, electric shocks, and ferule;jsessionid=B5C48CD676DEB049BC6A142D7B3EDC1C.istoeweb02-instance04

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu (Israel):
1.Was part of the Military
2.Was a chairman of the Likud Party

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

World Leaders

          Today in class, we talked about the nations of the world. Here are some of the people that run these nations.

Federal Republic
President Enrique Pena Nieto

1.Comes from middle class people.
2.Married to a soap opera actor.

Federal Republic
Chancellor Angela Merkel

1.Graduated from University of Leipzig in 1978 with a degree in physics and physical chemistry; earned a PhD in quantum chemistry from the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin in 1986.
2. She earned the top spot on the FORBES of Most Powerful Women in the World.

Federal Republic
President Nicolas Maduro

1.Worked as a bus driver before he became politically active.

Communist State
President Xi Jinping

1.He married a folk singer who is also an army general in 1987.
2.His daughter, Xi Mingze, is studying at Harvard University in the U.S.

United Kingdom:
Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm
Prime Minister David Cameron

1. His first born died. The experience made him care for everyday people more than he ever did.
2.Was sent to the best schools as a child.

Saudi Arabia:
King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

1.He is worth about 21 billion dollars.
2.First Arab leader ever to visit the Pope.

Federal Republic
Pranab Mukherjee

1. One of the best finance ministers of the world in 1984.
2. Professor of Political Science.

Prime Minister Francois Hollande

1. Has no previous experience in a national government position.
2.Parenst had two completely different political views.

Theocratic Republic
President Hasan Fereidun Ruhani

1.Was elected President of Iran in June 2013.
2. Has been critical of the former president who hated the U.S. and wanted Israel wiped off the face of the Earth.

Islamic Republic
President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai

1. Fought the Soviet Union occupation of his homeland when he was young.
2.Warned the U.S. about a plot for an attack on their soil in 2001. The U.S. never listened.

Federal Republic
President Dilma Rousseff

1. Was captured and tortured by a gorilla group in the 1960s and 70s.
2.Rules the country with the eight-biggest economy in the world.

Parliamentary Democracy
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu

1.Brother was killed while fighting terrorism.
2.Lived in the U.S. when he was a child.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Political Organization

          Today in class, we took a test and begun new lesson. Our new lesson is about Political Organization. This involves Country, Nation, State, and Nation-State. A Country is an identifiable land area. Nation is a population with a common culture. State is a population under a single government. And a Nation-State involves a single culture under a single government. We also talked about what an Independent State involves. It has a recognized boundary, an economy, education, transportation, a government, sovereignty, and external recognition.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Religion Powerpoint (Part 3)

          Today in class, we reviewed all of the religions that were presented. There are many similarities between each religion. The number of people in each religion is extremely different though. The religion with the most members is Christianity. I think knowing about all the different religions is a great way to become more familiar with people from around the world.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Religion Powerpoints (Part 2)

          Today in class, we saw more power points. We saw Judaism and Buddhism. We learned that a lot of religions are big on fasting. It is a great way to show appreciation to your religion. My group was chosen to present Buddhism. What I really like about Buddhism is that it doesn't think it's the best religion and that all religions have something good to offer. There aren't that many conflicts between Buddhists and other religions. I think that's great. Buddhists just want a simple way of life. Just be nice to people and do good deeds. I really like that about Buddhism.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Religion Powerpoints

          Today in class, we went over our quizzes and begun presenting our power points. A lot of people did well on their quizzes. We only got to one power point today. It was on Hinduism. The group talked about how they believed in Karma. That if you're not a good person in your first life, you'll keep coming back as different people or animals until you get good Karma by doing good things for people. It sounds like a very interesting and simple religion.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Relgion Presentation and French Fries

         Today in class, we begun our presentations for religions. Mr.Shick went around with a hat that had all five of the religions we talked about. My group got Buddhism. The point of our presentations is to teach the other groups something new about the religion we got. Stuff like what does the religion focus on? What is that religions holy book? Who does that religion worship? How many people are part of that religion? General stuff like that. On a side note, Mr.Shick let me go get French Fries during class. That was pretty awesome of him.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


            Today in class, we discussed Nationalism. We watched a film from the TV show Newsroom that gave a great example of Nationalism. We also discussed weather or not we though America was the greatest. Everybody said no, it wasn't. I think because so many people have this perfect idea of America, that all the little faults are made into huge problems. Considering what's going on in other places, America's not that bad. I think there is no number one nation out there and people need to realize that. Yes, there are better places to live, but the safer places to live aren't always the best.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Culture Geo (Part 2)

          Today in class, we continued taking notes on Culture Geography. We talked about the three examples of culture characteristics (Language, Religion, and Ethnic Heritage) in depth. Examples for language would be that the Arabic unites the Arab world and Spanish unties the Hispanic world. For ethnic heritage, many ethnic groups are made into one country. Examples would be Croats and Serbs. And for religion, there 5 major ones. They are Hinduism, Buddism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Human Geo Practice Test

          Today in class, we took a practice Human Geo AP test. It was a test to see how much we knew. It also helps to see if you would be qualified to sign up for the real Human Geo AP test. Towards the end of the year, we'll take another one and compare the two scores to see how much we've learned. The test was pretty difficult. It REALLY was testing to see how much you knew. You just had to be familiar with different parts of the world. You also had to know about different religions, economical standards of different countries, that kind of stuff. I think that the test score for everyone will be improved greatly by the end of the year. Taking these tests are a great and effective way to see how much you learn in Human Geo.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Culture Geography

          Toady in class, we received our quizzes and reviewed them. The class did extremely well. We also started the next subject, Culture Geography. Culture Geography discuses the parts of group's(Life and Religious) everyday life. There are 3 examples of cultural characteristics. They are language, religion, and ethnic heritage. These characteristics can link or divide a region. The characteristics  are based off of the ideas and themes the religious or group leaders teach the people.

Friday, October 11, 2013


     Toady in class, we took a quiz on population and migration. After we finished, Mr. Shick talked more about Kiva. Kiva is an online organization that let you make $25 loans to people in other countries. People always return the loan, so it's nothing shady. It help people out who might need money for a computer for school in foreign countries. Or for people who have a business and might need the money to buy machinery or tools to make production quicker and easier so they gain more money. It is an amazing way to help other countries grow.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Population and Migration Powerpoint

      Today in class, we finished our Population and Migration Powerpoint. We were given several different charts of the population in different states. Some had more 20 year olds than 50 year olds and some has the opposite. For example, Florida has more old people than young people because it is a big place for retirement. It was very interesting to see how college towns had a large population of young people and hardly any old people or kids. Manhattan had lots of old and young people, but not many kids. This is because most people are there strictly for work and will take that over having kids. Overall, we learned that the population varies from state to state due to what's in it.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us Film

        In class, we have been watching a film called, "God Grew Tired of Us." It is about boys who escaped the war between North and South Sudan when there was an ethnic cleansing. After years of living in a camp of all the kids or "lost boys" as they were called, they made it to America where they being their new lives.

Monday, September 30, 2013

CIA Scavenger Hunt Review

          Today in class, we reviewed the CIA Factbook Scavenger Hunt assignment. We also discussed the process of being drafted to war for a long time. Mr. Schick told us how people would hurt themselves to fail the health exams, thus sending them back home. People would do things like cut off one of their toes or swallow cotton balls so it looked like they had tumors. Everyone thought it would be better than to die in war.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

CIA Scavenger Hunt

          Today in class, we did a CIA Scavenger Hunt on CIA Factbook. Here is what we found.

     1.  What is the population of the United States?

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?
           China, India, United States, Indonesia & Brazil.

  1. What is the population of Pakistan?

  1. What kind of government does the United States have?

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area?

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports?

  1. What country has the greatest number of exports?

  1. What country exports more oil than any other?
           Saudi Arabia.

  1. What country imports more oil than any other?
            United States.

  1. What country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil in the world?

  1. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?

  1. What is GDP?
           All goods and services produced in a year.

  1. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?

  1. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?

  1. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?

  1. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found
in which continent? Africa.

  1. What other country is in the top ten?

  1. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?

  1. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?

  1. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?

  1. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?

  1. What is Net Migration Rate?
           The difference between people leaving and coming to a country each year.

  1. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?

  1. According to the Factbook, what is the current population of the entire planet? 7,095,217,980

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Population and Mirgation Power Point

          Today in class, we looked at a power point on population and migration. We also talked about immigrants working in the U.S. for a while. Good points were brought up. If, for example, Mexican people come to work in the U.S. and do a better job than people who were born in the U.S., employers are going to take the Mexican's over the American's. This is completely appropriate. Why would you pay someone the same amount of money to do less work than people who would do more work? It shouldn't matter if you were born in the U.S. or not. It should only depend on if you are legally a citizen and are doing work. People should stop saying immigrants are taking jobs away from U.S. citizens when most of the U.S. citizens don't care for work. Some do, and deserve the job. Overall, it was a very interactive class today.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Population and Migration Definitions

          Today in class, we started a new lesson called Population and Migration. Here are the definitions we will be needing for this lesson.

life expectancy- the expected number of years left in a persons life at any given age.

crude birth rate (CBR)- number of births in a population each year.

crude death rate (CDR)- number of deaths in a population each year.

developing nations- a nation with an overall low standard of living.

developed nation- a nation that has a high standard of living.

rate of natural increase (RNI)- the crude birth rate minus the crude death rate of a population.

net migration rate (NMR)- the difference of immigrants and emigrants of an area in a period of time.

immigration- the movement of other people into a nation of which they are not native to.

emigration- the movement of other people into a nation of which they are not native to, but intend to settle there permanently.

push forces- factors that make people want to leave a nation.

pull forces- factors that make people want to live in another nation.

total fertility rate (TFR)- average number of children that would have been born to a woman over her lifetime.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fire Drill During Test

          Today in class, we had a test in human Geo. It was a pretty good test. While taking it, we had a fire drill. It set us back a little, but we'll have extra time to finish tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Film Sinking In

          Today in class, we talked about the Behind the Swoosh film we watched yesterday. We also asked ourselves if Nike did anything about their sweatshops. Now, Nike isn't the only company that has sweatshops to make it's products. It sticks out so much because they are the only one who has tried to change the way the make their products. They have tried to lessen sweatshops and make the conditions in factories better. This progress has made Nike an even better company.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Behind the Swoosh

          Today in class, we watched a film called Behind the Swoosh. The film was about Nike sweatshops in Indonesia. The film was about a man named Jim Keady who was a big endorser for Nike. When he heard about the sweatshops and the awful conditions the workers lived in, he started to protest and bring it to America's attention. He received a letter from the head coach where he worked saying, "Wear Nike and drop the issue or resign." He did not drop the issue and was fired. People kept telling him how the workers were happy and didn't mind the bad conditions and low pay. He decided to visit one of the sweatshops to get the truth. Jim traveled to Tangerang, Indonesia, a big factory town, with Leslie Kretzu. Jim and Leslie and both Co. Directors and Founders of Education for Justice. While there, they lived on just $1.25 in a crowded, polluted area, just like the workers. The factory managers would harass the workers to extreme levels. Sometimes, workers would receive death threats. Jim decided to meet with Nike's CEO, Phil Knight. Jim asked for Phil to visit Tangerang, Indonesia to see the horrible condition his workers lived in. He declined and told Jim to leave him alone. Still, Jim and Leslie did not give up. They continued to protest against Nike's sweatshops. They believe that everyone is equal. Everyone is a human being and deserves the right treatment.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Globalozation Project

          Today in class, we got into groups for a project. Out project was about the pros and cons of Globalization. How it helps some countries build upon technology and culture, but leaves others behind.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


          Today in class, we discussed globalization. Globalization is the connection between lifestyles, cultures, and religions across the world. Globalization is usually associated with Americanization because we are the best at it. Take McDonalds for example. McDonald's are everywhere around the world. Each one has a menu that is adapted to the culture. It also has an architecture similar to the buildings around it. A McDonalds in China would have that 'palace' kind of look to it. Globalization has a big impact everywhere. American fast food restaurants brought over a big selection of soft drinks to China, making things unhealthy for them. China brought flavored waters and teas to the U.S., making us healthier. The sales of soft drinks in America has gone down a lot because people are drinking healthier. Religion is also a big part of Globalization. Different kinds of religious groups are set up everywhere around the world. Globalization is a really great thing!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Google Documents

*Was excused from class due to Chorus practice for 50th Anniversary Mass*

          Today in class, we learned how to use Google Documents. This will help us work together with class projects during the year.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Did You Know/Shift Happens

          Today in class, we watched a slide show that talked about how fast paced the world is becoming. The slide show, Did You Know/Shift Happens, started out in a tiny classroom in 2006. There were a lot of interesting and shocking facts in the video. Here are 3 that really stuck out in my mind. The top 10 in demand jobs in 2010 didn't exist in 2004, there are over 800million registered users on Facebook (If it was a country, it would be the 3rd largest in the world), and there are 12billion searches performed on Google every month. I was shocked when I heard this information. These changes are in my personal life because they are a big part of everyday life. New jobs are going to be offered by the time I start working. We all had a Facebook back when it didn't suck. We use Google for information and entertainment everyday. Technology plays a big part in my life. It's hard to live in these time without it. It's how people communicate, do their work, get entertainment, etc. The way things are changing, it's going to become impossible to live without technology.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Death of Socrates

          Today in class, we discussed the life of Socrates in depth. What his trial was like. What he might have said that got him voted guilty. Most people think he was cocky. That he told the government the city was stupid and he was the one keeping it functioning. Just being sassy in general. His punishment was to drink a cup of hemlock. The painting, The Death of Socrates, depicts what it might have been like to be there when he drank the hemlock. The painting makes Socrates look like a superhero due to his courageous choice to just drink the poison without hesitation. He also stood by what he believed in and was never sorry for it. So many people admired Socrates. Because of this, the painting also has people in distress all around him. Socrates is known as one of the greatest philosophers because of his teachings, admiration from others, and his noble death.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ancient Greek Definition Review

          Today in class, we reviewed the Ancient Greek definitions we had for homework. We talked about the Greeks and their way of life a little bit. How they were about voicing your opinion. They were the first people to have democracy. It wasn't perfect though. Only men were allowed to voice their opinion and vote at town meetings. Women and slaves still had no rights. War was a big worry to the Ancient Greeks. They didn't receive any help from the Spartans. The Spartans were all about taking care of their own people. War was a worry for Greeks because, if defeated, they would most likely loose their way of life. We also talked a lot about Socrates and his death. He was given 2 choices, to be exile from the city, or to drink a cup of poison. He chose the poison because he believed philosophers weren't afraid of death. He was always considered a hero for his choice.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Ancient Greek Definitions

          In Human Geography, we are starting to learn about the ancient Greeks. To help us understand the lesson, we were asked to define a few words. Here is the list of the definitions.

agora- a gathering place in ancient Greek cities. Center of artistic, athletic, political, and spiritual life.

arete- excellence of any kind. Meaning, "To be the best you can be."

polis- Meaning, "city" in Greek.

508 BC- A war between Rome and Clusium and a war between Aricia and Clusium took place in this year. Athenian democracy was also established in this year.

Socrates- a Greek Athenian philosopher. Credited for helping to found Western Philosophy.

The Death of Socrates- an oil on canvas painting from 1787. Painted by Jacques-Louis David.

The Socratic Method- a form of inquiry and discussion between other people.

What the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- "Private citizen" or "Lacking special skill."

Success at John Carroll

           Today in class, Mr. Schick read us a rant that was written 100 years ago. The rant was called, A Letter to Garcia. It ranted about lazy people who don't work, and complimented people who do. We also talked about how to be successful Freshman year at John Carroll. There are 5 great ways to achieve this. 1. You should have good grades. Without good grades, you can't be successful at school. It kind of defeats the purpose of going to school and learning. 2. You should get involved in school activities. This is a great way to meet people and learn different things. It will make you a well rounded person. 3. You should stay out of trouble. Getting into trouble with the staff really doesn't look good. You have a reputation of being difficult, and nobody wants to work with someone who is difficult. 4. You should be to classes on time. Having good attendance is a good thing to have. You won't miss out on anything in class. This will also help with having good grades. Do you really want to be scrambling around for missing info because you decided to talk to friends and not go to class? I think not. 5. You should be responsible. If you show the responsibility to handle everything that's thrown at you in your Freshman year, this will definitely make things easier the next 3 years and prepare you for college. I think that following these 5 steps will be extremely beneficial to any guy or girl starting their Freshman year at JC.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day at JC

          My first day at John Carroll was a fantastic one. The staff and students are extremely nice. The teachers are very enthusiastic about their jobs. They are always very helpful and never seem put out by what they do. The students have been very welcoming. Everyone helps each other and treats you like they would a close family member. The modular schedule is a great idea. You have this freedom that you don't normally get in most schools. The campus at John Carroll is beautiful. The little court yard just outside the cafeteria is amazing. My advisory group teacher is extremely nice. She made you feel extremely welcomed and not out of place on the first day. Overall, I think John Carroll is an amazing school. Just from the first day, I feel like I am truly a part of the JC family. I can't wait for the four years ahead of me.