Monday, September 23, 2013

Population and Migration Definitions

          Today in class, we started a new lesson called Population and Migration. Here are the definitions we will be needing for this lesson.

life expectancy- the expected number of years left in a persons life at any given age.

crude birth rate (CBR)- number of births in a population each year.

crude death rate (CDR)- number of deaths in a population each year.

developing nations- a nation with an overall low standard of living.

developed nation- a nation that has a high standard of living.

rate of natural increase (RNI)- the crude birth rate minus the crude death rate of a population.

net migration rate (NMR)- the difference of immigrants and emigrants of an area in a period of time.

immigration- the movement of other people into a nation of which they are not native to.

emigration- the movement of other people into a nation of which they are not native to, but intend to settle there permanently.

push forces- factors that make people want to leave a nation.

pull forces- factors that make people want to live in another nation.

total fertility rate (TFR)- average number of children that would have been born to a woman over her lifetime.

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