Saturday, August 31, 2013

Success at John Carroll

           Today in class, Mr. Schick read us a rant that was written 100 years ago. The rant was called, A Letter to Garcia. It ranted about lazy people who don't work, and complimented people who do. We also talked about how to be successful Freshman year at John Carroll. There are 5 great ways to achieve this. 1. You should have good grades. Without good grades, you can't be successful at school. It kind of defeats the purpose of going to school and learning. 2. You should get involved in school activities. This is a great way to meet people and learn different things. It will make you a well rounded person. 3. You should stay out of trouble. Getting into trouble with the staff really doesn't look good. You have a reputation of being difficult, and nobody wants to work with someone who is difficult. 4. You should be to classes on time. Having good attendance is a good thing to have. You won't miss out on anything in class. This will also help with having good grades. Do you really want to be scrambling around for missing info because you decided to talk to friends and not go to class? I think not. 5. You should be responsible. If you show the responsibility to handle everything that's thrown at you in your Freshman year, this will definitely make things easier the next 3 years and prepare you for college. I think that following these 5 steps will be extremely beneficial to any guy or girl starting their Freshman year at JC.

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