Thursday, November 7, 2013

Leadership Skills of the World Leaders

          In my last blog, I listed nations with their type of government and their leaders. Here are a few reasons why these people got their positions as world leaders. From their own personal experiences, or people/events that influenced them.

President Enrique Pena Nieto (Mexico):
1.Was the Governor of Mexico from 2005-2011
2.Started out as a community organizer

Chancellor Angela Merkel (Germany):
1.Trained as a Physicists
2. Worked for the Parliament
*I also want to note that she was the main part in solving the Euro Crisis. That's pretty cool*

President Nicolas Maduro (Venezuela):
1.Was Vice President of Venezuela
2.Was a speaker of the National Assembly

Premier LI Keqiang (China):
1.Was a member of the Standing Committee
2.Was a secretary of Party Branch

Prime Minister David Cameron (United Kingdom):
1.Born into a wealthy family
2.Was a special Advisor to the Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont

King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud (Saudi Arabia):
1.Was a Commander in the National Guard
2.Was the Prince of Saudi Arabia

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (India)
1.Was a member of India's Upper House of Parliament
2.Was Chief Economic Advisor

Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (France):
1.Mayor of Nantes
2.Mayor of Saint-Herblain

President Hasan Fereidun Ruhani (Iran):
1.Was a member of the Supreme National Security Council
2.Was a deputy speaker

President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai (Afghanistan):
1.He fought the Soviet Union occupation of his homeland
2.Was the Deputy Foreign Minister

President Dilma Rousseff (Brazil):
1.Was captured by Guerillas
2.Tortured by punches, electric shocks, and ferule;jsessionid=B5C48CD676DEB049BC6A142D7B3EDC1C.istoeweb02-instance04

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu (Israel):
1.Was part of the Military
2.Was a chairman of the Likud Party

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