Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Microfinance Test Questions

          Today in class, we made up questions for our Microfinance Test. Here's what Kappel and I came up with.

1.) Question: What do loans do for small businesses?
      Answer: They give these people small amounts of money to get a kick start on their idea or     business.

2.) Question: What is microfinance?
      Answer: A form of financial aid for small businesses that don't have accesses to banking services.

3.) Question: What solutions do microfinance solve?
      Answer: The destruction of small businesses due to large businesses taking over.

4.) Question: What is a micro lender?
      Answer: An organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders.

5.) Question: How can we improve microfinance?
      Answer: People can get a loan from other people who have money. Once the people who are borrowing can escape poverty, they can pay the donors back.

6.) Question: What is Kiva?
      Answer: An online website for giving microloans to people who ask for it.

7.) Question: What is a microloan?
      Answer: Loans to people who ask for money to start their business.

8.) Question: What kind of problems occur in countries that need microfinance?
      Answer: Malaria, drought, and clean water.

9.) Question: What is malaria?
      Answer: A fatal disease spread by female mosquitos.

10.) Question: How can you cure yourself of malaria?
      Answer: Doctors are trying to come up with vaccines for the disease and the International Peace Corps are trying to stop it as well.

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