Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Population and Mirgation Power Point

          Today in class, we looked at a power point on population and migration. We also talked about immigrants working in the U.S. for a while. Good points were brought up. If, for example, Mexican people come to work in the U.S. and do a better job than people who were born in the U.S., employers are going to take the Mexican's over the American's. This is completely appropriate. Why would you pay someone the same amount of money to do less work than people who would do more work? It shouldn't matter if you were born in the U.S. or not. It should only depend on if you are legally a citizen and are doing work. People should stop saying immigrants are taking jobs away from U.S. citizens when most of the U.S. citizens don't care for work. Some do, and deserve the job. Overall, it was a very interactive class today.

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