Monday, September 16, 2013

Behind the Swoosh

          Today in class, we watched a film called Behind the Swoosh. The film was about Nike sweatshops in Indonesia. The film was about a man named Jim Keady who was a big endorser for Nike. When he heard about the sweatshops and the awful conditions the workers lived in, he started to protest and bring it to America's attention. He received a letter from the head coach where he worked saying, "Wear Nike and drop the issue or resign." He did not drop the issue and was fired. People kept telling him how the workers were happy and didn't mind the bad conditions and low pay. He decided to visit one of the sweatshops to get the truth. Jim traveled to Tangerang, Indonesia, a big factory town, with Leslie Kretzu. Jim and Leslie and both Co. Directors and Founders of Education for Justice. While there, they lived on just $1.25 in a crowded, polluted area, just like the workers. The factory managers would harass the workers to extreme levels. Sometimes, workers would receive death threats. Jim decided to meet with Nike's CEO, Phil Knight. Jim asked for Phil to visit Tangerang, Indonesia to see the horrible condition his workers lived in. He declined and told Jim to leave him alone. Still, Jim and Leslie did not give up. They continued to protest against Nike's sweatshops. They believe that everyone is equal. Everyone is a human being and deserves the right treatment.

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