Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ancient Greek Definition Review

          Today in class, we reviewed the Ancient Greek definitions we had for homework. We talked about the Greeks and their way of life a little bit. How they were about voicing your opinion. They were the first people to have democracy. It wasn't perfect though. Only men were allowed to voice their opinion and vote at town meetings. Women and slaves still had no rights. War was a big worry to the Ancient Greeks. They didn't receive any help from the Spartans. The Spartans were all about taking care of their own people. War was a worry for Greeks because, if defeated, they would most likely loose their way of life. We also talked a lot about Socrates and his death. He was given 2 choices, to be exile from the city, or to drink a cup of poison. He chose the poison because he believed philosophers weren't afraid of death. He was always considered a hero for his choice.

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