Tuesday, November 5, 2013

World Leaders

          Today in class, we talked about the nations of the world. Here are some of the people that run these nations.

Federal Republic
President Enrique Pena Nieto

1.Comes from middle class people.
2.Married to a soap opera actor.

Federal Republic
Chancellor Angela Merkel

1.Graduated from University of Leipzig in 1978 with a degree in physics and physical chemistry; earned a PhD in quantum chemistry from the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin in 1986.
2. She earned the top spot on the FORBES of Most Powerful Women in the World.

Federal Republic
President Nicolas Maduro

1.Worked as a bus driver before he became politically active.

Communist State
President Xi Jinping

1.He married a folk singer who is also an army general in 1987.
2.His daughter, Xi Mingze, is studying at Harvard University in the U.S.

United Kingdom:
Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm
Prime Minister David Cameron

1. His first born died. The experience made him care for everyday people more than he ever did.
2.Was sent to the best schools as a child.

Saudi Arabia:
King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

1.He is worth about 21 billion dollars.
2.First Arab leader ever to visit the Pope.

Federal Republic
Pranab Mukherjee

1. One of the best finance ministers of the world in 1984.
2. Professor of Political Science.

Prime Minister Francois Hollande

1. Has no previous experience in a national government position.
2.Parenst had two completely different political views.

Theocratic Republic
President Hasan Fereidun Ruhani

1.Was elected President of Iran in June 2013.
2. Has been critical of the former president who hated the U.S. and wanted Israel wiped off the face of the Earth.

Islamic Republic
President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai

1. Fought the Soviet Union occupation of his homeland when he was young.
2.Warned the U.S. about a plot for an attack on their soil in 2001. The U.S. never listened.

Federal Republic
President Dilma Rousseff

1. Was captured and tortured by a gorilla group in the 1960s and 70s.
2.Rules the country with the eight-biggest economy in the world.

Parliamentary Democracy
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu

1.Brother was killed while fighting terrorism.
2.Lived in the U.S. when he was a child.

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