Saturday, September 7, 2013

Did You Know/Shift Happens

          Today in class, we watched a slide show that talked about how fast paced the world is becoming. The slide show, Did You Know/Shift Happens, started out in a tiny classroom in 2006. There were a lot of interesting and shocking facts in the video. Here are 3 that really stuck out in my mind. The top 10 in demand jobs in 2010 didn't exist in 2004, there are over 800million registered users on Facebook (If it was a country, it would be the 3rd largest in the world), and there are 12billion searches performed on Google every month. I was shocked when I heard this information. These changes are in my personal life because they are a big part of everyday life. New jobs are going to be offered by the time I start working. We all had a Facebook back when it didn't suck. We use Google for information and entertainment everyday. Technology plays a big part in my life. It's hard to live in these time without it. It's how people communicate, do their work, get entertainment, etc. The way things are changing, it's going to become impossible to live without technology.

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