Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs and Steel

          Today in class, we watched a film called Guns, Germs and Steal. In this film, a many named Jared Diamond, a professor from UCLA, had someone ask him, "Why do newer civilizations have more cargo and the older ones don't." Diamond's theory is a good one. Papa New Guiney didn't thrive because of their farming. They didn't have the animals to pull carts or plows and overall had a very old fashion way of doing things. Other civilizations were coming up with new ways to farm and they just stayed the same. Naturally, they're going to be the ones left behind. But, it isn't a terrible thing. Yes, they won't have the luxuries of city life like we do, but they seem content with their lifestyle. Hunting and gathering seems to be a good things for them. They have the potential to start towns and cities, but just don't do it.

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