Friday, December 6, 2013

Microfinance Test

          Today in class, we took a test on Microfinance. I think I did pretty well on it. Kappel and I did some last minute studying, so that's probably why. I also used the bathroom after the test. That was pretty cool....I guess.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Microfinance Test Review

          Today in class, we went over notes for our Microfinance test Friday. There weren't many notes on the final power point, but we still got some review in there. We also talked about the academic team and the kind of questions they were asked.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Microfinance Test Questions

          Today in class, we made up questions for our Microfinance Test. Here's what Kappel and I came up with.

1.) Question: What do loans do for small businesses?
      Answer: They give these people small amounts of money to get a kick start on their idea or     business.

2.) Question: What is microfinance?
      Answer: A form of financial aid for small businesses that don't have accesses to banking services.

3.) Question: What solutions do microfinance solve?
      Answer: The destruction of small businesses due to large businesses taking over.

4.) Question: What is a micro lender?
      Answer: An organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders.

5.) Question: How can we improve microfinance?
      Answer: People can get a loan from other people who have money. Once the people who are borrowing can escape poverty, they can pay the donors back.

6.) Question: What is Kiva?
      Answer: An online website for giving microloans to people who ask for it.

7.) Question: What is a microloan?
      Answer: Loans to people who ask for money to start their business.

8.) Question: What kind of problems occur in countries that need microfinance?
      Answer: Malaria, drought, and clean water.

9.) Question: What is malaria?
      Answer: A fatal disease spread by female mosquitos.

10.) Question: How can you cure yourself of malaria?
      Answer: Doctors are trying to come up with vaccines for the disease and the International Peace Corps are trying to stop it as well.


          Today in class, we talked about Microfinance. Microfinance can be a great way to help people get a kick start on a new and great idea. People with these ideas will receive a microloan. I microloan is a loan made  to someone to help them by what they need to being their new product,, idea etc. They eventually have to pay that money back because it is a loan. We also talked more about how big businesses are killing small, family run businesses.