Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Religion Powerpoints (Part 2)

          Today in class, we saw more power points. We saw Judaism and Buddhism. We learned that a lot of religions are big on fasting. It is a great way to show appreciation to your religion. My group was chosen to present Buddhism. What I really like about Buddhism is that it doesn't think it's the best religion and that all religions have something good to offer. There aren't that many conflicts between Buddhists and other religions. I think that's great. Buddhists just want a simple way of life. Just be nice to people and do good deeds. I really like that about Buddhism.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Religion Powerpoints

          Today in class, we went over our quizzes and begun presenting our power points. A lot of people did well on their quizzes. We only got to one power point today. It was on Hinduism. The group talked about how they believed in Karma. That if you're not a good person in your first life, you'll keep coming back as different people or animals until you get good Karma by doing good things for people. It sounds like a very interesting and simple religion.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Relgion Presentation and French Fries

         Today in class, we begun our presentations for religions. Mr.Shick went around with a hat that had all five of the religions we talked about. My group got Buddhism. The point of our presentations is to teach the other groups something new about the religion we got. Stuff like what does the religion focus on? What is that religions holy book? Who does that religion worship? How many people are part of that religion? General stuff like that. On a side note, Mr.Shick let me go get French Fries during class. That was pretty awesome of him.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


            Today in class, we discussed Nationalism. We watched a film from the TV show Newsroom that gave a great example of Nationalism. We also discussed weather or not we though America was the greatest. Everybody said no, it wasn't. I think because so many people have this perfect idea of America, that all the little faults are made into huge problems. Considering what's going on in other places, America's not that bad. I think there is no number one nation out there and people need to realize that. Yes, there are better places to live, but the safer places to live aren't always the best.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Culture Geo (Part 2)

          Today in class, we continued taking notes on Culture Geography. We talked about the three examples of culture characteristics (Language, Religion, and Ethnic Heritage) in depth. Examples for language would be that the Arabic unites the Arab world and Spanish unties the Hispanic world. For ethnic heritage, many ethnic groups are made into one country. Examples would be Croats and Serbs. And for religion, there 5 major ones. They are Hinduism, Buddism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Human Geo Practice Test

          Today in class, we took a practice Human Geo AP test. It was a test to see how much we knew. It also helps to see if you would be qualified to sign up for the real Human Geo AP test. Towards the end of the year, we'll take another one and compare the two scores to see how much we've learned. The test was pretty difficult. It REALLY was testing to see how much you knew. You just had to be familiar with different parts of the world. You also had to know about different religions, economical standards of different countries, that kind of stuff. I think that the test score for everyone will be improved greatly by the end of the year. Taking these tests are a great and effective way to see how much you learn in Human Geo.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Culture Geography

          Toady in class, we received our quizzes and reviewed them. The class did extremely well. We also started the next subject, Culture Geography. Culture Geography discuses the parts of group's(Life and Religious) everyday life. There are 3 examples of cultural characteristics. They are language, religion, and ethnic heritage. These characteristics can link or divide a region. The characteristics  are based off of the ideas and themes the religious or group leaders teach the people.

Friday, October 11, 2013


     Toady in class, we took a quiz on population and migration. After we finished, Mr. Shick talked more about Kiva. Kiva is an online organization that let you make $25 loans to people in other countries. People always return the loan, so it's nothing shady. It help people out who might need money for a computer for school in foreign countries. Or for people who have a business and might need the money to buy machinery or tools to make production quicker and easier so they gain more money. It is an amazing way to help other countries grow.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Population and Migration Powerpoint

      Today in class, we finished our Population and Migration Powerpoint. We were given several different charts of the population in different states. Some had more 20 year olds than 50 year olds and some has the opposite. For example, Florida has more old people than young people because it is a big place for retirement. It was very interesting to see how college towns had a large population of young people and hardly any old people or kids. Manhattan had lots of old and young people, but not many kids. This is because most people are there strictly for work and will take that over having kids. Overall, we learned that the population varies from state to state due to what's in it.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us Film

        In class, we have been watching a film called, "God Grew Tired of Us." It is about boys who escaped the war between North and South Sudan when there was an ethnic cleansing. After years of living in a camp of all the kids or "lost boys" as they were called, they made it to America where they being their new lives.